Department of Coffee and Social Affairs
Wifi password is drinkcoffee
178 m fra hotellet
14-16 Leather Ln
En guide til gode steder i nærheden af The One Tun Pub & Rooms
Wifi password is drinkcoffee
178 m fra hotellet
14-16 Leather Ln
Now accepts contactless NFC payment, minimum spend £5. That's two cups of gorgeous coffee.
181 m fra hotellet
23-25 Leather Ln
Daddy donkey is good, but freebird in Exmouth Market is by far the best burrito in the area. Go for beef.
184 m fra hotellet
Leather Ln
Hard to find but well worth it - an unspoilt old pub with lovely atmosphere, unusual guest beers, and bargain toasted sandwiches
186 m fra hotellet
1 Ely Court, Ely Place
One of the most exciting beer selections in the city sees 37 of them on draught and a doorstopper of a list that includes rarely seen brews from the world over.
250 m fra hotellet
82 Leather Ln
Ping pong balls and meatballs all in one place. How can you go wrong, really? You can't.
272 m fra hotellet
121 Holborn
You can't choose between the 8 hour pork and the 10 hour beef. You need both. And who says no to the bacon salt on the fries?
389 m fra hotellet
69-73 St John St
Go there for one of the world’s best mixeds, at 11 a.m., because you —can—!
393 m fra hotellet
49-50 St John's Sq
Try the hotcakes with banana, maple syrup and honeycomb butter 😍
421 m fra hotellet
50 Sekforde St
Celebrate Christmas in style at the Somerset House ice rink – with late night skate sessions followed by mulled wine and cocktails. See the rest of our Christmas Culture Guide here:
1.3 km fra hotellet